Tag Archives: vegetarian

4) Don’t Eat Meat Today

Try some kale, have some tofu, eat lots of fruit or grains or even delicious pasta.

It’s not so bad, check out these delicious recipes.

See if you can do it for just one whole day. Or two.

If it feels good, make it last your whole life long. Power to you.

Bringing in the chickens. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Eating plant products rather than animals saves a whole lot of carbon emissions and other resources. Just to get a sense of it this quotation comes from an article in TIME, “one dairy gives off 3,575 pounds of ammonia, 33,092 pounds of methane, and 409 pounds of nitrous oxide per day. Now consider that there are 365 days in a year and tens of thousands of dairy farms in the U.S.”

For my part, I will simply ask you to think about the food chain. In a food chain there are organisms called producers, at the bottom, who absorb energy from the sun and convert it into carbohydrates. Any organism above the producers are consumers, who get their energy from consuming producers or other consumers. The thing is, only a small portion of the energy contained in any organism is absorbed by a consumer who eats that organism. So the higher one eats on the food chain, the more energy had to be converted from the bottom-up to create that meal. In simplified terms it’s like choosing between eating an ear of corn, or growing a whole field of corn to feed a cow so that you can have a burger.

And don’t even get me started on the magnanimous amount of water that is saved by lowering meat consumption. Or methane produced by cows on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Or the nitrates from their dung that ends up washing into rivers leading to enormous algae blooms that deplete oxygen in the water creating dead zones.

Ugh. I could talk forever about the problems. Don’t make me talk forever about the problems.

Just do us all a favor: take one positive action today and choose not to eat meat.

a grass-fed gentle giant